About Me
My name is Matt Liebson. Pleased to meet you! I've been a stamp collector since I was about six years old. I've been an APS member since 1992, and am a former chair of its Membership Committee. I'm also a proud dealer member of APS.
I have extensive knowledge of US postal history, ranging from the stampless era up to 20th century rates and services. My own collecting and exhibiting focuses on various aspects of Ohio postal history as well as the United States postal savings system. My articles have appeared in the American Philatelic Congress Book, the USSS Specialist, the Ohio Postal History Journal, and in other publications. I serve as the President of the Ohio Postal History Society, Vice President of the Machine Cancel Society, and Vice President of the American Philatelic Congress. I am a former member of the board of directors of the Auxiliary Markings Club. I serve as a regional vice president for the United States Philatelic Classics Society, and as the legal advisor for the Classics Society and for the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors. I am also an accredited APS philatelic judge. I am a member of the Garfield-Perry Stamp Club and have been actively involved in its annual March Party stamp show in Cleveland for over 20 years.
I've been a buyer (and seller) on eBay since 1996, and I occasionally took a bourse table at local shows in northern Ohio in the early 2000s, but these activities took a back seat to my career as an attorney. Starting in 2017 I became more active in dealing while continuing to practice as an attorney; this website is part of that result. How can I help you build your postal history collection?
I believe in top-notch customer service, accurate descriptions, and fair pricing. I stand behind what I say and what I do. Put simply: order with confidence.